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Paul Dallaghan - Personal Biography

Paul Dallaghan started Ashtanga yoga practice in 1995 and began teaching in 1998. In 2007 he was one of the final few to be certified by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Ashtanga vinyasa yoga, having spent 2001 to 2007 learning the practice in Mysore with Guruji and Sharath. He uses this as a base for intelligence in asana to be applied appropriately for the student.
Paul is a senior student of Sri O.P. Tiwari, one of the few remaining classical yogis and masters of Pranayama. He has practiced Pranayama under Tiwariji's direct guidance since 2000 which has led to deep insight and understanding of practice. He is one of only two certified by Tiwari to teach the traditional and classical Pranayama.
Paul continues with his regular routine of asana, pranayama and meditation on a daily basis, and through love of the subject matter keeps up a keen study of the classical texts and scientific interpretations of what goes on in yoga.
Paul grew up in Dublin, Ireland. After completing his degree at Trinity College he was bound for New York where his life in yoga began. Since 2001 he has been in Asia between Thailand and India with a primary focus on practice and study. With his wife, Jutima, they opened Yoga Thailand (now Samahita Retreat) and continue to enjoy living there—especially since the arrival of two lovely sons, Sean and Dylan. Paul knows firsthand about raising a family, earning a living and keeping a sincere connection with practice and internal development. This practical experience and love of the subject matter he shares with joy, intelligence and humor.