Fabrizio Manias - Personal Biography Fabrizio Manias became interested in yoga after playing combat sports during his youth and surviving a serious motorcycle accident. In the beginning, he experimented with a variety of yoga styles (Shivananda, Iyengar, and Kundalini). During the same period, he attended the international school of Shiatsu and studied Buddhist meditation at the Pomaia monastery. Fabrizio discovered Ashtanga yoga for the first time in 2004 and was immediately inspired. He met Lino Miele in September of the same year and, struck by Lino's passion and empathy, began practicing with him regularly. Following Lino's advice, he went to Mysore the next year to meet Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. After a long path of self-knowledge and healing, with great sacrifice and satisfaction, Fabrizio participated in Lino's 2013 In-Depth Study. As a result, he was granted authorization to teach by the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute and the opportunity to work alongside his teacher as an assistant. Since then, Fabrizio has assisted Lino for extended periods of time every year in workshops and retreats in Italy and India. He teaches regularly in Verona, seeking to transmit what he has learned with the same integrity with which Lino Miele shares Guruji's teachings.
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