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William L. Wilson - Personal Biography

William L. Wilson, father of a son and daughter, is a second generation Ashtangi. In 1999, at the invitation of his mother Donna Wilson, one of Tim Miller's first students, William began his practice under the guidance of Dennis Dean and Tim Miller at the Ashtanga Yoga Center in Encinitas, California.
Following a Guruji World Tour stop in 2000, William elected to remain on Maui and begin his studies with Nancy Gilgoff at The House of Yoga and Zen. Wilson's relationship with Gilgoff soon progressed to that of an apprenticeship. During this phase of his studies, he began learning hands-on adjustments under Gilgoff's tutelage and assisting her in daily classes.
In 2002, William returned to the U.S. mainland and founded Ashtanga Yoga Coachella (AYC) which is located about 90 miles east of Los Angeles in the Palm Springs/Coachella Valley. In 2004, AYC hosted Nancy Gilgoff for a three-day Ashtanga yoga weekend workshop at which William assisted.
In 2004, he initiated direct studies with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois for a three-month period at the KPJAYI in Mysore, India. Following his return to the U.S., William hosted Olaf Kalfas for an extended teaching engagement at AYC from 2004-2005.
In 2011, William participated in Nancy Gilgoff's adjustment clinic and weekend workshop in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2012, he assisted Gilgoff in Los Angeles at her weekend workshop and subsequent week-long adjustment clinic. William has continued to visit Maui to further his studies with Gilgoff and looks forward to assisting her on an ongoing basis.
On the mainland, William still studies regularly with Tim Miller and has completed both his primary and intermediate series teacher trainings at the Ashtanga Yoga Center in 2003 and 2008, respectively.
William continues to offer daily Mysore classes at Ashtanga Yoga Coachella as well as led classes utilizing the Sanskrit vinyasa counting method. In addition, William offers instruction in the Loving-Kindness meditation which he learned from Nancy Gilgoff. William is also available to teach the Ashtanga pranayama sequence to qualified students.
In addition to teaching yoga, William also teaches Indian vegetarian cooking classes employing Ayurvedic principles. During the hot summer months, William may sometimes be found leading Ashtanga workshops in cooler climates.